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Training Seminar at KK9R in Korea!

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the world of rescue before dogs travel to the U.S. to be adopted? For us, it involves countless hours of training on dog management and care. This past weekend, our Korean team (@kk9r.kr_hy and @koreank9rescue.kr) was honored to host 10 other rescue organizations in Korea to participate in a seminar with four of the best dog trainers in the country.

Our mission goes beyond finding American adopters for our dogs. We aim to spread awareness and advocate for the ways we can not just relieve but also prevent the suffering of these voiceless dogs. Through increased education on dog care and training, our hope is that fewer and fewer dogs are ever mistreated in the first place.

Huge thanks to our team in Korea, the four trainers and sponsors who led this seminar, the ten rescue organizations that participated (tagged below), and of course to you for your continued support. We hope to host this seminar twice a year going forward, and it wouldn’t be possible without our supporters!

We’d love to have you join the rescue movement! ⁠Our adoption radius currently includes select areas within New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Maryland, and Massachusetts. For full details on our adoption radius and procedures, please check our Adoption Procedures. We’re looking forward to having you join our alumni, foster, or volunteer community!


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