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SPONSOR PpaePpae (Slim)

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Your donation provides a dog with healthy food.

You receive a welcome email with a sponsorship certificate from the dog that you are sponsoring.


Your donation provides a dog with healthy food, toys, treats, and bedding.

You receive a welcome email with a sponsorship certificate from the dog that you are sponsoring and an email once the dog is adopted.


Your donation provides a dog with healthy food, toys, treats, bedding, and vaccinations.

You receive a welcome email with a sponsorship certificate from the dog that you are sponsoring and an email once the dog is adopted. You will also receive a Korean K9 Rescue hat and shirt.


Your donation provides a dog with healthy food, toys, treats, bedding, vaccinations, and rehabilitation training.

You receive a welcome email with a sponsorship certificate from the dog that you are sponsoring and an email once the dog is adopted. You will also receive a Korean K9 Rescue hat, shirt, and an honorary sponsor plaque.


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